February 2, 2019 MONTHLY HOA MEETING
Dear Residents,
On behalf of the newly organized Gateway Village Community HOA, we wish to invite all Gateway Village residents, both homeowners and renters alike, to this month’s HOA meeting, Saturday,February 2, 2019, 10:00 AM at the Perkins Restaurant & Bakery located at 3A Gateway Blvd S, Savannah, GA 31419.
Here are the members of the Gateway Village Community HOA Board Members:
President: Mr. Frank Wilson
Vice President: Mr. Daniel Rodriguez
Secretary: Mrs. Robin Jumonville
Vice Secretary: Mr. Charles Gordon
Treasurer: Mr. Fabian Waters
Members were voted in office during the November 3, 2018 meeting.
President: Mr. Frank Wilson
Vice President: Mr. Daniel Rodriguez
Secretary: Mrs. Robin Jumonville
Vice Secretary: Mr. Charles Gordon
Treasurer: Mr. Fabian Waters
Members were voted in office during the November 3, 2018 meeting.
For your convenience and the HOA's benefit, resident's wishing to eat at Perkins in support of reducing the cost of the banquet room rental may show up as early as 9:00am. Please make the hostess aware that you are part of the Gateway Village Housing Community and you wish to eat prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Look forward to seeing everyone there. Thanks and have a bless day.